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Seth Angelus
6 Photos


2/10/2007 12:19:17 AM

1 Photos

That was below the belt.

2/10/2007 1:45:16 AM

73 Photos

Hahaha jerks why do I always end up giggling or joking about the deceased?

2/10/2007 4:20:36 AM

110 Photos

ANS is a hillbilly butter hog

2/10/2007 5:10:55 AM

1 Photos

Yeah, it's not like she was a human being with family, friends and loved ones who are grieving over the loss of her life. You all make me really sad.

2/10/2007 6:20:43 AM

67 Photos


2/10/2007 10:22:04 PM

57 Photos

Does having a family and friends make you not shitty?
How can anyone be shitty with that kind of logic?
She was shitty.

[Edited by AfroWanksta on 2/10/2007 6:41:36 PM. Reason for edit: shitty]

2/10/2007 11:41:24 PM

1 Photos

I'm not saying that has anything to do with her character, I'm saying that people making a joke of her death is rude and uncalled for. Not that saying that is going to change anyone's opinion, it still needs to b said.

2/10/2007 11:45:09 PM

1 Photos

in other words, everyone is pure in death?

2/11/2007 12:10:25 AM

99 Photos

So are we not allowed to make fun of Hitler?

2/11/2007 12:15:43 AM

26 Photos

don't make fun of Joseph Stalin plz! he's near and dear to my heart

2/11/2007 12:54:41 AM

189 Photos

Were all going to die. What does it matter if we make fun of someone if there dead or alive. In my opinion its the same. Just now we cant make fun of any new material.

2/11/2007 2:53:54 AM

21 Photos

the idea that the incidence of death alone makes a person special is small-minded

[Edited by shchmue on 2/11/2007 12:59:11 AM. Reason for edit: i r speler machein]

2/11/2007 5:58:57 AM

146 Photos

2/11/2007 7:42:29 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

I think the comments under this pic should answer if you would bang her or not, if she were alive or dead.

Alive, pre-trimspa?

Alive, post-trimspa?
Hell yeah.

Dead, post-trimspa?
As long as I'm the only one with the rigor mortis, AMIRITE FELLAS?!??!EJRFETITS

2/11/2007 6:54:24 PM

12 Photos

Isn't there a "wait 10 years" unspoken rule somewhere before u can joke about someone dying???

or has the South Park generation just said to hell with that?

I was just curious...

2/11/2007 10:27:24 PM

57 Photos

10 years is a long time
10 days is better

2/11/2007 11:53:43 PM

68 Photos

^^^You forgot Pre-needing Trimspa....OH HELL YES

2/11/2007 11:56:59 PM

21 Photos

quote :

Isn't there a "wait 10 years" unspoken rule somewhere before u can joke about someone dying???

or has the South Park generation just said to hell with that?

I was just curious...

are you referring to the AIDS joke from south park? that was a joke, and the amount was 22.3 years. nothing to do with death either. i'm hoping that's not the one you were thinking of.

2/12/2007 12:53:11 AM

53 Photos

Maybe the Steve Irwin jokes on South Park?

2/12/2007 2:45:59 AM

21 Photos

what's a new south park episode?

2/12/2007 3:15:24 AM

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