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63 Photos

i see someone needs a dental cleaning.

[Edited by WrxerRacer on 4/30/2006 7:59:32 PM. Reason for edit: mm]

5/1/2006 12:59:11 AM

21 Photos

^^for the record, I just had a dental cleaning.

I have no enamel on my teeth, hence the color. There's nothing that can be done about it w/out insane ammounts of money.

Also, I've been to 3 dentists who all say that I have one of the cleanest mouths they have ever seen.

so, how about learning some facts about people before you start talking out of you ass.

5/1/2006 6:58:37 PM

234 Photos

shutup gross-tooth

5/1/2006 7:10:10 PM

1 Photos

^I lol'd

5/1/2006 7:16:01 PM

87 Photos

Greg find something better to do with your time.

5/1/2006 7:19:52 PM

63 Photos

oh like what , perhpas nitpicking at somone else's comments all the time. Gee that sounds familiar.

5/1/2006 9:29:17 PM

146 Photos

No, I'd say something like jogging.

5/1/2006 9:30:11 PM

87 Photos

No, like saying something worthwhile for a change.

5/1/2006 9:37:09 PM

63 Photos

^^ welcome to the internet, very few things on this site are worthwhile. If you want something worthwhile go read a fucking book.

^^^Gregg you can jogg your ass to the store and get me some damn beer.

^ you stay out of this feggit.

[Edited by WrxerRacer on 5/1/2006 4:39:55 PM. Reason for edit: ,,]

5/1/2006 9:39:17 PM

87 Photos

I'm already reading several books.

Why don't you just realise that you have nothing useful to add to any conversation whatsoever?

[Edited by asleeponatrain on 5/1/2006 7:19:39 PM. Reason for edit: x]

5/2/2006 12:19:24 AM

234 Photos


greg has gotten better. he's still a pain in the ass, but i have to say his posts don't make me feel embarassed for him anymore.

your friend dee needs to take things in stride.


5/2/2006 12:21:06 AM

87 Photos

Where is the evidence that his posts "have gotten better"?

5/2/2006 12:22:59 AM

234 Photos

in the fact that i dont want to rip my eyeballs much.

5/2/2006 12:32:55 AM

63 Photos

^ lol

5/2/2006 12:46:47 AM

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