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Keepin warm at Jays place 
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144 Photos

lies! I was perfectly sober.

4/30/2006 7:52:43 PM

1 Photos

where and what the fuck is going on here?

4/30/2006 7:59:01 PM

nikki ole
602 Photos

lmao, Paul you were shitbombed

4/30/2006 8:08:06 PM

144 Photos

This was at J's place Friday night. I had been drinking and/or high since 3pm pool and by this time was completely out of my mind.

Will started a fire on his driveway.

4/30/2006 9:45:04 PM

63 Photos

y'all niggaz is crazyt. If that was my house i would swiftly beat you fucks with a spiked bat.

4/30/2006 9:46:55 PM

144 Photos

At the time it seemed like a good idea to let will start a fire on the back deck, but the next morning I realized it wasn't such a hot idea. The fire on the deck wasn't as bad as beat the shit out of the tree for fire wood....(KARA AND WILL YOu bASTARDS)

4/30/2006 11:51:59 PM

73 Photos

[Edited by Lucky_Starz211 on 5/1/2006 12:56:21 PM. Reason for edit: Didnt mean to offend anyone, I just thought he was cute, I wasnt trying to be rude or w/e.]

5/1/2006 6:03:24 AM

129 Photos

it looks like someones sparkin up a stick welder from the bottom right there. Or pointin a torch at them

5/1/2006 6:06:25 AM

80 Photos

Hah, no that was just our plant-fire. Apparently palm trees burn pretty well. Especially when you mix them with lighters.

5/1/2006 6:09:29 AM

1 Photos

^^^^Back the fuck off my roommate. He's mine! Er....Nikki Ole's....yeah.

And when the fuck was this?

5/1/2006 12:45:14 PM

144 Photos

BACK OFF BITCHES! Paul is mine. -nikki

[Edited by EmptyApocalypse on 5/1/2006 12:17:00 PM. Reason for edit: fucking a I'm under Paul's name]

5/1/2006 5:12:43 PM

144 Photos

But I love when he does that thing with his tounge...

5/1/2006 6:00:51 PM

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