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this is before i got the "set the timer and run" thing
nikki ole
602 Photos


3/26/2006 10:13:48 PM

35 Photos

camping is ftw.

3/26/2006 10:31:04 PM

Imperfect Clark
116 Photos

Notice me throwin' down the Murda sign. Almost as cool as Aaron, here, damn.

3/27/2006 1:45:56 AM

144 Photos

You can tell this is night one because we don't look manly yet.

3/27/2006 1:46:43 AM

Imperfect Clark
116 Photos

Lingering moments of innocence in the face of unmitigated wilderness.

3/27/2006 1:51:37 AM

394 Photos

mmm coorslight... in the can, cans are the only way to camp.

3/27/2006 2:13:18 AM

Imperfect Clark
116 Photos

Yeah, and good thing, cuz we saw a werewolf, and there's only one way to kill a werewolf: silver bullet.

Turns out it was just Tony though.

3/27/2006 2:18:17 AM

129 Photos


3/27/2006 2:33:51 AM

119 Photos

wait, no one got lost? well that's no fun

3/27/2006 5:28:44 AM

Imperfect Clark
116 Photos

some went astray..

3/27/2006 6:08:56 AM

4 Photos

Damn, Paul's hair is so lush and volumous.

3/27/2006 3:02:23 PM

nikki ole
602 Photos


3/27/2006 3:50:51 PM

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