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Gallery » allykat
omg ghost 
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yeah... we went on a ghost walk in st. augustine. the tour guide tried to convince us that these reflected bits of moisture in the air were ghostly orbs.
443 Photos

...and you fell for it?

Please tell me no!

3/18/2006 1:41:08 AM

1 Photos

God, people are fucking idiots! I hate this kind of shit.

3/18/2006 2:30:34 PM

37 Photos

hahahaha whenever people show pictures like that on television as "proof" i laugh so hard

3/18/2006 2:51:12 PM

24 Photos

Moisture in the air? Its fucking RAIN.

3/18/2006 5:15:37 PM

394 Photos

but what the photo fails to show are all the zombies underground just waiting for you to walk over them...

man I hate fuckin zombies

3/18/2006 5:18:53 PM

6 Photos

I hate fuckin zombies, too. Their dicks always break off and shit.

3/18/2006 7:05:23 PM

128 Photos

yeah, right after this pictures ashleigh and i had to give the beat down to a couple of dead mother fuckers. woulda taken pictures. but we were there for ghosts, not zombies.

3/19/2006 3:17:03 AM

the dude
9 Photos

You are a noob.

3/19/2006 1:07:01 PM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

see if a tour guide tried to suggest to me that a fucking speckle of moisture was a ghost, I'd kick him in the balls. Unless the tour guide was a woman...
then'd I'd still kick her in the balls.

Ghosts should look like that.
Not a fucking orb. Not a fucking streak of light. Not whispy smokey fog shit that nothing more than exhaled breath. No.
It should look like that.

You know what, while I'm at it, I fucking hate this guy:

sdojenrgtjoenfgtouog5fyhmoflgy RAGE

3/19/2006 3:43:10 PM

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