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nikki rocked at the dagger throwing
nikki ole
602 Photos

this is probably when I got it right in the dead center of the target, was yellin and laughing because Aaron said he would kiss whoever got it, and then Meliss knocked that shit out 2 seconds later...

3/6/2006 4:43:11 AM

1 Photos

Nikki: "What bitch! What!"

Lady behind her: "OOOHHHHHHHHHHH SNAP"

[Edited by Lysander on 3/5/2006 11:55:54 PM. Reason for edit: hehehe]

3/6/2006 4:55:29 AM

129 Photos

you are definitely yelling in my general direction and that scary lady was eyeing me for a big smooch

3/6/2006 5:01:57 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos


3/6/2006 3:36:47 PM

241 Photos

I get to do that shit for free!

:sigh: the joys of working Ren-Fair.

3/6/2006 3:37:27 PM

nikki ole
602 Photos

^I decided yesterday that I should work at the Ren Fair, I was meant for those corset tops. How do you do it Missy?

3/6/2006 6:54:40 PM

67 Photos

God dammit. Our faire in Tally was cancelled this year, and I wanna go to one Last year's was so much fun.

3/7/2006 5:33:59 AM

226 Photos

I wish I could have gone.

3/7/2006 11:35:55 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

^me too....but I might be scoring some free tix this week in which all of us hardcore nerds can go again!

3/7/2006 4:46:13 PM

144 Photos

Has the ren fair started here in tampa already? Some of the jugglers working it are staying at my place, probably explain why i ain't seen them in a a while.

3/8/2006 1:19:37 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

^I think its on til April 9th?

3/13/2006 6:12:49 AM

144 Photos

I have a pair of tickets, wait, free tickets, even better.

3/13/2006 6:20:24 AM

146 Photos


JDubU is good people. I may check this out.

3/13/2006 6:23:36 AM

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