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Gallery » DannyPrice
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6 Photos

You are a fucking scum bag! you better sleep with your door locked or you might wake up missing something that you don't deserve to have...

7/18/2006 2:33:48 AM

6 Photos

Oooohhhhh shiiiiiiiiiii

7/18/2006 2:35:28 AM

1 Photos


7/18/2006 2:37:33 AM

146 Photos

YEAH WHATS GOIN ON???????????????????????

7/18/2006 2:39:16 AM

6 Photos

he cheated on me and lied to my face about it

7/18/2006 2:40:12 AM

146 Photos

Oh no he didn't, girl! Prophecize about dis pig somemore!

[Edited by CrazyPills69 on 7/17/2006 9:45:14 PM. Reason for edit: </3 ]

7/18/2006 2:44:55 AM

63 Photos

^^WHEN did he cheat on you. and thats what happens when you hang with people in drunk wills crew of douchebaggery.

7/18/2006 2:57:14 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

Aww come to me my sweet pea.

7/18/2006 2:58:04 AM

146 Photos

^^Which has nothing to do with this.

7/18/2006 2:59:18 AM

234 Photos

wait...a guy was shitty and a liar?


7/18/2006 2:59:48 AM

146 Photos

I know, right? I bet he didn't even pay for the Natty Light.

7/18/2006 3:00:51 AM

6 Photos

actually it was a shock to me...I sincerely thought he was a "nice" guy. I've never been cheated on like this...I'm taking it pretty hard but that's okay, it will only make me stronger and wiser.

7/18/2006 3:06:05 AM

63 Photos

thats why i dont trust anybody unless, two premises exist.

1. They have gained the trust and respect through their specific actions over a long period of time and are truly honest and caring individuals.
2. They surround themselves with worthy individuals who fit under premise 1, and are not scummy, therefore ther is less of a chance that the scumminess will rub off on them.

[Edited by WrxerRacer on 7/17/2006 10:12:07 PM. Reason for edit: ,,]

7/18/2006 3:11:34 AM

234 Photos

you should study at a temple in remote china for 5 years, come back and beat the shit out of him.

7/18/2006 3:11:38 AM

63 Photos

^thats what steven seagal would do.

7/18/2006 3:12:28 AM

6 Photos

^^ haha yah I should!!
^ what movie is your picture from? and was it on late last night b/c I never finished watching it and tried to stay awak so I could but it didn't work...haha

And I am just too caring I guess

7/18/2006 3:16:35 AM

63 Photos

^thats is from Clementine, but on showtime last night the late movie was "on deadly ground". where he tried to shut down that waste dumping operation done by some dumb hicks in a little town.

7/18/2006 3:24:08 AM

1 Photos

i'm confused..did you guys recently get back together or is this from the past when you were together?

7/18/2006 3:24:15 AM

6 Photos

^ its complicated...he cheated on me while we were together...he cheated on his ex with me recently.

7/18/2006 3:27:28 AM

1 Photos


7/18/2006 3:29:15 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

quote :

I'm taking it pretty hard but that's okay, it will only make me stronger and wiser.

followed by

quote :

its complicated...he cheated on me while we were together...he cheated on his ex with me recently.

wiser, eh

7/18/2006 3:40:42 AM

6 Photos

^ yah some how he made it seem alright...its a long story but I have learned a lot from it. Something I will never forget or let happen again.

7/18/2006 3:44:47 AM

1 Photos

boys suck

7/18/2006 3:46:10 AM

63 Photos

^thats why you should date men, and not boys that you hang out with.

[Edited by WrxerRacer on 7/17/2006 10:47:18 PM. Reason for edit: ...]

7/18/2006 3:47:03 AM

707 Photos

Judging from this picture... you chose the most awesome guy to trust with your heart... lol.

7/18/2006 3:48:49 AM

146 Photos

Take on me. Take me on.

7/18/2006 3:51:35 AM

234 Photos

quote :

^ yah some how he made it seem alright...

Ok. This is the fucking problem with people. You justify to yourself the shitty things you do, then if you are confronted you are quick to pass on the blame.

The only time excuses aren't acceptable are when it doesn't benefit us.

Human nature FTL.

7/18/2006 4:00:18 AM

6 Photos

^ i'm not saying its an excuse I was just blind and stupid, I was saying that I learned from it...

He will probably delete this pic when he sees all this

7/18/2006 4:04:34 AM

6 Photos


hahahahahahahaha wow

7/18/2006 4:06:11 AM

7 Photos

Oh, Danny Price. What will you think of next?

7/18/2006 4:07:12 AM

63 Photos

someone save this and make a thread, ftw.

7/18/2006 4:07:22 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

quote :

Oh, Danny Price. What will you think of next?


7/18/2006 4:10:17 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

quote :

Aww come to me my sweet pea.

BAHAHAHA, Juan you are a God

PS-this cracks me up (the situation) I am keepin my mouth shut

7/18/2006 4:42:53 AM

129 Photos

what trackstar said

7/18/2006 4:43:58 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

Alright, I can't keep it in any longer, he helped cheat with me too...

7/18/2006 4:47:40 AM

6 Photos

^You leave me to find out that you cheated on my on the internet and lied to my face about it?? HOW COULD YOU?!

7/18/2006 4:50:19 AM

144 Photos

It's true...

It's also true he helped cheat with me :-(

7/18/2006 4:53:15 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos


7/18/2006 5:17:32 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

I want to know what his ex looks like to contrast and compare.

7/18/2006 5:22:27 AM

63 Photos


7/18/2006 5:30:04 AM

129 Photos

ive got something to come out with too

i had sex with the internet

7/18/2006 5:57:14 AM

17 Photos

wow. i thought if you got cheated on you'd realize how shitty is was and not do it to somebody else. i guess there's more livin and learnin for some people.

7/18/2006 10:01:10 AM

7 Photos

That's what I thought, too. But it turns out some people would rather deal with karmic backlash than do the right thing in the first place.

7/18/2006 8:15:44 PM

21 Photos

epic bump

6/1/2007 9:48:52 PM

45 Photos


6/1/2007 10:17:07 PM

226 Photos

^^agreed, opening comment trumped all.

6/1/2007 10:22:48 PM

707 Photos

So in 5 years he is going to be a lonely jobless drunk?

6/1/2007 10:51:30 PM

275 Photos

so a guy cheats on her and she has sex with him while he is dating somebody else? wow, you are a douche.

6/1/2007 11:14:28 PM

394 Photos

haha lovenhoney is a tramp! she gets cheated on, then enables the guy to cheat on his NEW gf?

hahaha bitches and their double standards

6/2/2007 1:35:35 AM

90 Photos

Eww and he's ugly, what's to get upset about?

6/2/2007 2:47:42 AM

145 Photos

Damn. How did I miss all this back then?

6/2/2007 3:20:09 AM

73 Photos

hahaha, I've never seen this before.

6/2/2007 6:57:40 AM

21 Photos

yeah, i only found it when he replied to the IQ pic

6/2/2007 2:37:32 PM

1 Photos

what a hypocrite

amirite guys

6/2/2007 7:11:29 PM

6 Photos

quote :

hahaha bitches and their double standards

6/2/2007 9:23:03 PM

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