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"Orange Cat" 
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...that's her name
77 Photos

looks exactly like mine minus the face... pic in a sec

12/22/2005 12:18:17 AM

77 Photos

12/22/2005 12:22:19 AM

297 Photos

"Orange Cat" is one of the coolest cats I've ever met. She's a stray, but super friendly -- you can even hold her upside down and rub her on the stomach.

12/22/2005 12:51:45 AM

297 Photos

Lindsay (I don't remember her name on the site) who works at Hooter's in Channelside has a cat that looks exactly like it too, only hers is male and named Jorge

12/22/2005 12:53:02 AM

77 Photos

haha this cat is the same way. It doesn't really like to be touched it just likes you paying attention to it. You can pick it up and do whatever you want to it for like 60seconds before it gets pissed. It wont get mad unless you're doing something really obnoxious though and even then you have your 60 second grace period.

12/22/2005 1:02:32 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

Uh oh, we've got ourselves some cat guys....

12/22/2005 1:07:07 AM

297 Photos

Anyone notice how you can't see any neighbors from my house?

12/22/2005 1:19:56 AM

119 Photos

^ PiMP!

PS: I got an "Orange Cat" too! Except mine is home-kept[?]

12/22/2005 1:24:33 PM

1 Photos

my kitty looked like that, mostly. Her name was Sunshine. There was another cat in the neighborhood that actually looked identical except was missing a whisker that would try to sneak into our house.

12/22/2005 9:22:07 PM

85 Photos

My cat Casey looks a lot like this one.

12/22/2005 9:36:03 PM

63 Photos

i am gonna go get a kitty soon i am debating whether getting an orange cat or a white cat.

12/22/2005 9:42:45 PM

234 Photos

i dunno why but he looks photoshopped into the pic

12/22/2005 10:57:48 PM

293 Photos

L-Scrawn 4 eva!

12/22/2005 11:09:52 PM

297 Photos

scrawn pissed on my clothes. fuck that cat

12/23/2005 2:58:50 AM

63 Photos

yo Alan just get a litter box and train that sheet. And keep it.

12/23/2005 3:37:04 AM

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