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USF Rugby Team 
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Tailgating at the UV game...
293 Photos

is there really a rugby team? That's awesome

12/10/2005 9:40:11 AM

189 Photos Come on out to play.

12/10/2005 9:42:09 AM

89 Photos

wheres tim mcduff(ie)?

i know he plays. or at least played.

12/10/2005 9:50:40 AM

189 Photos

^ He was being a pussy and was sleeping.

12/10/2005 9:52:37 AM

1 Photos

ooo i go to all the games when the rugby guys play the tampa mens team !!! rugby is sooo awesome!

12/10/2005 10:19:22 AM

89 Photos

^^ tim, passing up some beers? thats a fucked up world.

[Edited by USF3983 on 12/10/2005 8:23:00 AM. Reason for edit: .]

12/10/2005 1:21:12 PM

81 Photos

Aack! The guy in the yellow shirt all the way to the right looks like my twin!

12/10/2005 5:32:00 PM

1 Photos

Tell Patrick to shave off that mustache cus it makes him look like a fag.

12/10/2005 5:50:01 PM

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