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Gallery » Your Naim Heer
hah...hahhah.. I'm so stoned 
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18 Photos

Ha ha, thats probably off my shit!

2/21/2004 8:28:42 PM

Your Naim Heer
109 Photos

actually, you will laugh at this one. i got it from my cab diver. he gave it to me. we smoked for two ours in the cab on teh way to providence rhode island airport. and i was really early for my flight. so i had to sit around, stoned in the airport for a good 3 hours. it was wierd as shit!

2/21/2004 11:23:04 PM

1 Photos

why no pictures of u smoking ?

2/22/2004 12:40:33 AM

Your Naim Heer
109 Photos

gee. what a way to get myself in trouble with usf. right?

2/22/2004 3:37:54 AM

231 Photos

hooray for getting stoned.


3/18/2004 4:56:50 PM

35 Photos

Get in trouble eh? They can't prove shit. muahahah.

3/29/2004 1:18:58 PM

66 Photos

u dont look that stoned

4/1/2004 4:33:55 PM

66 Photos

never mix you getting blitzed and coffee beans, well maybe it was funny as hell i dont know who gives a shit when we smoking again, since i know ur love of papa smurf

[Edited by Squatty11 on 4/18/2004 4:09:17 AM. Reason for edit: ?]

4/18/2004 9:06:41 AM

66 Photos

[Edited by Squatty11 on 4/18/2004 4:07:51 AM. Reason for edit: copy]

4/18/2004 9:06:42 AM

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