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Training for ropes and repelling dowtown at the Tampa Police and Fire Training Academy.
241 Photos

Go Joanna!

[Edited by theawesomemissy on 10/15/2005 4:36:54 PM. Reason for edit: spelling...]

10/15/2005 9:36:05 PM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

Thank you Missy!I know what I'm doing...I'm trained in several different areas, so no one better mess w/me!

10/15/2005 9:40:36 PM

241 Photos

How about you repel and I'll swing around and do some flips and stuff?

10/15/2005 9:51:02 PM

129 Photos

I'd cum on your face. You suck.

10/15/2005 10:28:54 PM

257 Photos

are you in fire school? i start emt in january, then fire after that..

10/15/2005 10:31:42 PM

707 Photos

adventurous women are awesome... thats why I <3 my gf.

10/15/2005 10:47:36 PM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

I train w/Tampa Fire Rescue. I'm working on becoming an EMT as well. From there I will go on to nursing in ICU, then become a flight nurse in a helicopter. Right now I'm Community Emergency Response Team Member and a Certified First Responder. I ride in the engines and amublances here with the Tampa/Fire Rescue crew. I love it!

10/16/2005 12:24:53 AM

257 Photos

thats kickass, i have a good friend at tampa, im looking around at departments right now actually, deciding where i want to apply after i get my emt finished. good luck, and try not to freak out like i do before i drop over the side of a building! im fine once i get over, but im freaking out right before i hop over the edge

10/16/2005 12:49:25 AM

293 Photos

I do that with firearms.

10/16/2005 1:40:31 AM

1 Photos

OMG BABY! u look so hawt here


10/16/2005 2:03:48 AM

30 Photos

wicked i wanna do that

i used to play dragon warrior on nes and you could use the spell repel

10/16/2005 2:26:39 AM

57 Photos

you are repelling

10/16/2005 8:00:10 AM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos're hot.

10/25/2005 2:13:00 AM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos


10/25/2005 2:49:02 AM

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