28 Photos
I always knew your hair had great potential
10/4/2005 1:29:54 AM
253 Photos
Hahah green looks good on you, Nate
10/4/2005 4:50:43 AM
231 Photos
were you the guy sitting next to the um fan?
i think i saw you from the sideline.
you, my friend, are a brave soul.
10/4/2005 5:02:01 AM
103 Photos
^ yeah! I saw you too... what's with that guy? He's always gung-ho Bulls... then goes down to Miami to play gung-ho Canes? WTF?!
10/4/2005 5:05:11 AM
99 Photos
^^Yes I was, and
^He was born and raised in Miami, graduated from there w/ some super difficult degree, then moved here and got a degree at USF...So he was torn b/w the two and went with his first team.
Meanwhile, I heard the F-bomb countless times and had a few things thrown at me. I even had a handicapped kid yelling obscenities at me! WTF?!
10/4/2005 6:40:21 AM
40 Photos
hahaha its John Honey's dad's football look! looks good on ya Nate!
10/6/2005 2:11:24 AM