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Stunting at the rest stop.. 
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.. yes I know im fine!
103 Photos

I don't EVER want to be reminded of this day ever EVER again!!!

10/3/2005 5:30:07 AM

1 Photos

Oh man, you didn't even notice your shirt was untucked!


10/3/2005 5:51:11 AM

1 Photos

so proud

10/3/2005 6:10:10 AM

295 Photos

I did it to be humourous.

And all the other cheerleaders were 50 percent naked, because the AC broke on the bus to Miami broke and the temp. on the bus rose to about 98 degrees!

10/3/2005 6:16:00 AM

19 Photos

silly cheerleaders.

10/3/2005 7:22:17 AM

63 Photos

what do you think? , tucked in or out. hahhahaha ghey

10/3/2005 5:17:41 PM

226 Photos

oh Will you saw like 2 pics....I was wearing a bra and shorts...indecency police tazor me now!

10/3/2005 6:34:44 PM

35 Photos

my herooo!

10/3/2005 7:33:33 PM

1 Photos

i remember seeing yall take this pic....but hey at least you guys only had to ride in it for like 30 minutes...try riding in it from the rest stop all the way to miami!

10/3/2005 9:43:12 PM

103 Photos

why does your camera take pics backwards?

10/4/2005 7:02:50 PM

295 Photos

Wasn't my camera is was Jenna's and when she sent it to me it was all sideways and whatnot.

I edited it and positioned it upright, without paying attention to whether it was backwards or not.

10/4/2005 9:59:12 PM

226 Photos

might be the way he edited it

10/4/2005 11:12:48 PM

g funk09
1 Photos

did u ever do that to Patzy? and if you did. did you look up? She is amazingly beautiful.

10/5/2005 2:02:55 AM

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