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My Dad @ his book signing 
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1st Book signing for his book, "My Life in the Trenches"
75 Photos

what is it about?

10/2/2005 12:22:50 AM

1 Photos


10/2/2005 12:28:24 AM

28 Photos

Book Description
My Life in the Trenches recounts my 12-year experience as a New York City junior high school teacher who unfortunately suffered a career-ending injury, and has since endured a life of excruciating pain and countless operations. Through the eyes of this insider, you will enter a world that at times was so unforgiving, it cost many of its inhabitants their hopes, dreams and, in some cases, their sanity. For one New York City police officer, who lay mortally wounded on the ground with blood trickling out of the corners of his mouth, it cost him his life. I too nearly “died” when I learned that it was one of my students who killed him. The reader will take an emotional roller coaster ride that will tear at their very soul but will also lift their spirits and give them hope, which has been lost by so many of our students, teachers, parents, and leaders in this great country of ours. I’m absolutely positive that my language will shock you, and the violence I bore witness to will sicken you. Drug use, sex, incompetence, illiteracy, and so much more will be told as never before. Just when you feel that all is lost, I will offer realistic solutions to the problems our students and their teachers face every day they enter our educational facilities. When all is said and done, I can only make one promise to the reader: you will never forget this autobiography!

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10/2/2005 12:28:30 AM

75 Photos

^^easy killer lol

10/2/2005 12:29:10 AM

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