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Gallery » Your Naim Heer
the typical emo girl ::shakes fist:: 
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54 Photos

So authentic it's scary!

2/7/2004 1:35:37 AM

43 Photos

emo girls are sexy

unless they are ugly ...

2/7/2004 6:36:24 AM

0 Photos

damnit, i like orchid and saetia, wear sausony's and have swallow tattoos....i think my only saving grace on this one is i dont like belle and sebastian

2/7/2004 6:20:58 PM

37 Photos

most of their belts are white now.
and they forgot the star tattoos.

[Edited by HairyBearChaos on 2/7/2004 1:56:21 PM. Reason for edit: --]

2/7/2004 6:56:03 PM

Your Naim Heer
109 Photos

yeah. tis kinda old. i forgot i had it saved on my parents computer and i came home this weekend and saw i posted it!....btw jack, jack black is so hot! i don't mean looks wise...i just love his voice. its hot! i love guys that can sing and about anyting. hell, i acually love the song "fuck her softly" i find it mellow and beautiful, not to mention fucking hilarious and true!

2/8/2004 11:05:55 PM

Your Naim Heer
109 Photos

hell yeah , therobbstory! i fuckin love you now!

2/9/2004 10:38:43 PM

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