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Grab the latest issue of CO-ED Magazine and check out page 19! :) That's me and an old school picture of the beefstuds! Also, congratulate Marla, the new Miss Co-ED representing USF! GO BULLS!!
61 Photos

God, I miss the original studs.

11/22/2005 5:52:16 AM

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hehe, join the club! That yellow paint is outrageous!!

11/23/2005 5:17:17 AM

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oh sweet, way to represent

11/23/2005 5:28:16 AM

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^ lol....thanks!!

11/23/2005 2:03:02 PM

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i miss those guys. some of the newbs are cool but most suck. They aren't nearly loud enough and they don't hold up with our traditional chants. Reason #3 that i don't paint.

11/23/2005 2:54:05 PM

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Yeah well you're fugly face takes the definition of "shitfaced" to the next level....

I'm just glad you're not representing our school in a public format.

11/23/2005 4:44:33 PM

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Fag, huh? I guess it takes one to know one. I know there isn't a self-respecting female who would bang you with a face like that, and you sure don't get any with your quick wit.

11/24/2005 4:35:16 AM

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lol i see porno mike

11/24/2005 4:36:35 AM

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painting is an awesome way to promote school spirit... keep it up guys!!

11/24/2005 7:36:36 AM

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Thanks Kike =)

Santoro: I don't need to show you "the best I got" because your sorry ass isn't worth it. You are just some kid with a roadkill mug who posted some shit on a picture I'm in. People like you come and go and never make much of a difference because of your bad attitude. That's why you find it satisfying to bring other people's accomplishments down; you have none of your own. You say "don't forget that man..." but for people like me who try to make a difference in this world, forgetting people like you is no sweat.

Go back to your fiberglass hood Honda, your internet porn companionship, and your ambiguous homophobia, and don't start shit with people you don't even know.

11/24/2005 6:11:25 PM

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^ don't even go to school here anymore.....chill

11/25/2005 2:37:31 AM

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I pride myself on the hard work I put in to make USF a better place. School spirit was a part of that.

Regardless of whether or not I am still a student, I don't appreciate others insulting what I take pride in.

11/25/2005 3:00:46 AM

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^It's best not to worry about Sanfucko over there. He just likes to start shit.

11/25/2005 4:52:30 AM

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^ Actually it is. Brandon was recognized for starting an organization five years ago that is still going very strong today. The Beef Studs have been in numerous newspapers and many other things that I don't even need to mention because justifying myself to you would be like wiping my ass before I shit, pointless. Don't make me starting posting pictures of every single accomplishment like some feel the need too. I can assure you they would fill my gallery. This particular photo was recognized in a National magazine, so that in itself is more than most can say. I guess some can say that their lives have more meaning than sitting around just waiting for photos to start shit about, but since you cannot, all I have to say is thank you to ALAN, for giving Santoro some shread of a reason to live!

11/25/2005 4:28:26 PM

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wearing a "skirt" and painting yourself doesnt make you look like a douchebag..... just shows school spirit.... and a few people paint ourselves b4 our home games...its fun and we have a blast doing it....


11/25/2005 4:57:57 PM

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quote :

I don't appreciate others insulting what I take pride in.

welcome to life...get over yourself

11/25/2005 5:05:00 PM

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blahblahblah: "Life" doesn't prevent me from defending myself and what I care about. Welcome to being a dumb bitch. Go read the Second Amendment if you have any questions.

usfbullshit56: Hell yeah man, keep up the great work!

santorogt: You go back to your "brand new car," your "successful" business, and your "brand new condo." I don't care what you have, as long as you don't involve me in it. Besides, unless you are a schizophrenic, extrapolating from your online personality leads me to surmise that you probably don't have many friends to share those with. If you do, good for you, I don't wanna hear about it. Like I said before, don't start shit with people you don't know.

11/26/2005 12:42:11 AM

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quote :

Welcome to being a dumb bitch.

quote :

don't start shit with people you don't even know.

take your own advice

11/26/2005 12:49:03 AM

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This series of comments makes me laugh.

11/26/2005 4:24:04 AM

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blahblahblah: We've exchanged sentiment on this website before. We are perfectly aware of who the other is. Besides, you also chose to post on this thread without provocation, making YOU the person who needs to take my advice, not me.

11/26/2005 4:34:28 AM

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Brandon. Senate would have been much more productive if you took this tone more often. I wish you would have just called people stupid bitches (a justifiable name for a few people in senate). Bitch slapping should have been written into statues. I believe much more would have gotten done.

Psh, decorum is for suckers.


11/26/2005 5:03:29 AM

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^What do you think he should do about it, fatass?

11/26/2005 8:07:18 AM

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quote :

We've exchanged sentiment on this website before. We are perfectly aware of who the other is. Besides, you also chose to post on this thread without provocation, making YOU the person who needs to take my advice, not me.

i'd take your advice if 1) i was actually "starting shit" and 2) just because we've exchanged sentiments does not mean you know me.

[Edited by blahblahblah on 11/26/2005 4:10:06 PM. Reason for edit: sdfsdf]

11/26/2005 9:09:41 PM

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quote :

its sad that you have promote yourself in a magazine thta no one has ever heard of...if you were important people would bring it themselves...moral of the story is no one cares about you fucks that get all dolled up in your make up..just because you do that doesnt mean your a better fan just a fuckin retard

First of all, they chose to promote us in the magazine. Secondly, it is a magazine that has national circulation that has given our school a lot of recognition. I guess you wouldn't have heard about it since all you do is sit around and beat your meat to crusty porno magazines. Thirdly, the Beefstuds have been recognized in several different articles by the Tampa Tribune, St. Pete Times,, and even Moral of the story, don't try to own people when you have no fucking clue what you are talking about and if you are going to make an ass out of yourself, trying letting your balls drop and putting your real fucking name or picture when you speak. Who is the fucking retard now?

P.S.- ^You are gay

12/8/2005 6:52:00 PM

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^i'm with her...certain people need to get lives outside of starting *super cool* internet arguments.

12/8/2005 6:57:45 PM

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I guarantee that people who go to the games know who we are, but even if they didn't, thats not why we do it. Who gives a fuck what the magazine looks like, it is more than you can say you have done. I can also guarantee that I know more about sports than you do, so i don't need to waste my time on other people's pictures so I feel special. No one is selling subscriptions here so shut the fuck up and stop breathing air that could be used for people who matter.

Besides, the topic of the picture is not, "LOOK AT ME IN THE BEST MAGAZINE EVER!!!" It was funny so i posted it, get over it..

[Edited by gurlybull on 12/8/2005 2:11:06 PM. Reason for edit: ...]

12/8/2005 7:08:57 PM

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don't are too fucking pansy to say who you are...

12/8/2005 7:12:40 PM

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^i wouldn't be suprised if she knew more about BULLS SPORTS than you...she is at every single sporting event, and is the most spirited person at the entire school. i can't believe you guys are talking to her in this way.

i don't understand what the big deal is about showing your spirit? i'll admit i didn't know they were called the beefstuds but i have seen them at every single football game and think they look AWESOME. any school with spirit has people that paint themselves-it makes the school look better in my opinion.

do you people even GO to bulls events? if not, you have no reason to be saying a word right now.

12/8/2005 7:36:14 PM

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Santoro, you listen here you goddamned piece of white trash... you will leave Brittany's looks alone. I don't give a damn who you are, how new your car is, or what fucking stupid comments you feel like tauting other people with. Brittany is my girlfriend, and you will respect her, or you won't type on her pictures.

YOU telling people they need a nose job??? You're so fucking ugly that your mother probably used to take you to work with her so that she didn't have to kiss you goodbye. I could push your face into dough to make asshole cookies.

You also have no place calling other people faggots, because faggots are the only people who are going to want to fuck an asshole like you for the rest of your life.

You leave Brittany and I alone, and take your shitface elsewhere. People like you are disgusting - you sit around and bitch about how shitty a bowl game our football team goes to, how gay people with school spirit are, and how dumb others are for pursuing their dreams. Go suck a dick and choke on it you fuckstick.

12/8/2005 8:15:41 PM

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Katie, you're awesome =)

12/8/2005 8:17:01 PM

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First off, I told you to shut the fuck up.
Second off, I told you to get the fuck out.
Third off, I told you to go suck a dick and choke on it. Fuckstick.

Your opinion doesn't matter to us, and the fact that your heart is still beating doesn't matter to us.


12/8/2005 8:31:15 PM

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SaNToRo Like Whoa!!'s Blurbs

About me:
Who I Am: I'm a funny guy who likes to have fun. I do stupid spontaneous stuff. I'm romantic and will cook you dinner, bring you flowers for no reason, buy you stuffed animals and give you massages. I'm not like most guys, just ask my friends. I'm not a wigger or a thug. I just don't dress like everyone else. I'm unique. Yes, I like rap, but I also like a lot of other music. And I love movies. I'm 6'1 and like a teddy bear, but I am working on that and have lost 20 pounds. I have a really nice car. A 2006 Dodge Charger SXT on 22"s with Spinners. But I don't flaunt it and I worked my ass off to get it. I work a lot and go to school. I like to drink and have fun, but I can be serious when I need to be. Life can be boring, but I'm not. If you would like to know more, just Instant message me. Santoro05 on AIM/AOL or SantoroGT on Yahoo, I'm on aim more though......



12/8/2005 8:33:19 PM

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Didn't HuKt on FoNIX wurk 4 u?

12/8/2005 8:37:32 PM

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Run out of people who would take your bullshit?

12/8/2005 8:48:04 PM

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I <3 the Beefstuds..and women ;)

Correction: I would never fuck a pig (i.e. Santoro).

12/8/2005 9:11:11 PM

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Not that it matters.

12/8/2005 9:14:02 PM

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I don't need to act, cause I don't

12/8/2005 9:29:17 PM

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Eric - just wanted to apologize - I was busy sinking to Santoro's level and didn't intend to use that word universally.

12/8/2005 11:23:18 PM

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i personally don't like the beef studs that are in it now. no offense brandon and brit, you both are cool in my book as so is mike. but the beef studs now, suck at cheering, and only support the football team, and no other sports. they choose which games to come to and seem to get all the attention when they show up, like they are heroes or something. the games the beefs studs go to, they never do anything productive, one example is chanting "overrated" to villanova with 6 minutes to go into the game, something that woke them up. they act like morons at the games, and some of the people who paint up, shouldn't paint up.

3/8/2006 5:03:09 AM

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[Edited by Sandman on 3/8/2006 4:27:27 PM. Reason for edit: Dates are important.]

3/8/2006 9:26:18 PM

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quote :

i wouldn't be suprised if she knew more about BULLS SPORTS than you...she is at every single sporting event, and is the most spirited person at the entire school. i can't believe you guys are talking to her in this way.

i wouldn't say that, i know alot of people including myself who have just as much, if not more bulls spirt then her, i will admit she is one of the most spirited people in this school, but not the most spirited person in usf

3/8/2006 10:39:50 PM

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quote :

...she is one of the most spirited people in this school, but not the most spirited person in usf


3/8/2006 10:44:49 PM

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niggy, why did you feel the need to bump this thread?

jewtang - I hear you mate. I think it's a problem with leadership. Frankly, Alec and Mike have at least done a good job in keeping the club going. I was very worried that as soon as I left, there'd be no more Beef Studs. I want it to stay alive long enough until I can afford to donate money for scholarships to people who do it. What they need is to have someone take them by the horns and teach them how to cheer for basketball games. You're right - I saw them at the UConn game - what they do is more suited for football games. But that's because all the Beef Studs who were around for a lot of the BBall games are gone. I kind of disagree when you say that some of the people who paint up shouldn't - you can't expect every spirited college student to be in great physical shape. I didn't want the club to be elitist... it's a registered student organization, so they can't turn anyone away. Frankly I think it's hilarious that big guys slap paint all over themselves. But in terms of painting up for the attention, and not cheering within the guidelines of basketball tradition - these are things that could be improved. Perhaps somebody could give them a nudge at the game with some advice. I do it sometimes but I'm not there enough any more.

3/8/2006 10:47:50 PM

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