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drunk stunting 
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BAHAHAHA! I <3 you, Ehrick!

8/24/2005 7:33:02 AM

30 Photos

^nah she's just letting her smell the feets

mmmmm cheezeee

8/24/2005 7:43:05 AM

1 Photos

now this just doesn't seem safe... lol.... fun... but unsafe

8/24/2005 7:49:19 AM

30 Photos

i'm good at dropping stuff when i'm wasted

8/24/2005 7:50:32 AM

295 Photos

This is the falling part.

8/24/2005 8:05:53 AM

30 Photos

then the face go


8/24/2005 8:11:04 AM

1 Photos

i'm good at droppin stuff all the time.... dropping stuff, breaking stuff, throwing stuff, fallin down, etc haha

8/24/2005 8:16:53 AM

30 Photos

i know people who when they are drunk their hands just don't work and you hand them a cup and in 2 seconds it spills so you have to feed them beer

which is sad cuz this is one sign you are done

8/24/2005 8:22:44 AM

30 Photos


naughty = party fouls

8/24/2005 8:25:10 AM

1 Photos

just say no to alcohol abuse haha

8/24/2005 8:30:14 AM

30 Photos


do as i say not as i do

8/24/2005 8:32:16 AM

103 Photos

lol not smart at all... almost as bad as drunken tuck checks! Regardless... you're doing one hell of a posting job! lol

9/29/2005 5:50:02 PM

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