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101 Photos

Cambridge Woods. HA!

6/26/2008 7:03:29 PM

293 Photos

yessir, good times at that place... and at camden

6/26/2008 11:19:36 PM

93 Photos

i just have a question...i lived in cambridge woods too...

did you live in 902?

6/27/2008 2:50:43 AM

293 Photos

902, not sure.. why?

6/27/2008 7:57:51 PM

93 Photos

well coming in from 42nd it was the second right or the right after the first speed the back right corner

6/28/2008 7:51:53 PM

293 Photos

did you ever come party there??

6/30/2008 5:30:14 AM

93 Photos just curious, because that almost looks like the apartment i lived in.....
...when i moved in they told me the the previous tenants got kicked out because they were loud or something....
but anywho, that just looked like our downstairs bathroom

6/30/2008 6:03:18 AM

293 Photos

LMFAO! Maybe it was us... was the upstairs bedroom red?

6/30/2008 11:44:49 PM

93 Photos

no, the whole apt. got redone, the kitchen was new and the bathrooms were new and they had new carpet and paint throughout the whole place....

but the place was lame, since we couldnt party

7/1/2008 4:13:55 AM

293 Photos

we partied the fuck out of the whole complex.... we actually got the entire building evicted.

7/1/2008 5:29:42 PM

1 Photos

I helped!

7/1/2008 11:29:09 PM

80 Photos

hehe...I remember cutting up my knuckles punching that times! ;)

7/1/2008 11:50:04 PM

293 Photos

^^ wrong apartment, you ruined the one before this.

^ that was fun What have you been up to lately?

7/3/2008 12:22:46 AM

80 Photos

Graduated, working, traveling A LOT...just having fun!
What's new with you? How's your baby girl doing?

7/3/2008 5:15:06 AM

293 Photos

nm, working a little too much.

Savannah is awesome, she's crawling all over and trying to talk. She can stand up, and Julie takes her to gymboree every week.

I managed to land a job as a video game developer, it's pretty cool, but the hours are way too long. I'd love to travel

7/3/2008 7:19:28 AM

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