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707 Photos

maybe he ment he was gonna steal her bc

4/27/2006 6:09:07 PM

293 Photos

maybe my sperm has an antibiotic effect that will negate the desired effect of birth control pills

4/27/2006 6:12:48 PM

63 Photos

This made me laugh

4/28/2006 5:01:28 PM

707 Photos

lol, owned his own bitch.

4/28/2006 10:11:53 PM

No Idea
27 Photos

hahaha mark, crack that whip

4/29/2006 7:23:32 AM

293 Photos

I'm still willing to experiment on that whole birth control thing... call me 813.478.4058

now ;)

4/29/2006 10:38:39 AM

293 Photos

note to self... make sure that payment for ANI Trapline with geolocation services is up to date.
Blame any strange telephone calls on Mark

4/30/2006 5:58:37 PM

293 Photos


[Edited by jessecurry on 4/30/2006 2:53:51 PM. Reason for edit: .]

4/30/2006 7:53:14 PM

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